Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Tooth

One thing I wish I had done while I was still employed and had insurance was to go to the dentist. A few reasons why I probably didn't:

1.Trying to pick out a new dentist seemed like it would be a pain in the ass, and I didn't want to go back to my old dentist because he really wasn't all that great.
2.I had bad memories of making payments the last time I went to the dentist.
3.Trying to fit the dentist into my work schedule also seemed like it would be a pain in the ass.

I can't remember when it started, but years ago I noticed a tiny hole developing in a filling in one of my back teeth. It started to get really bad about two years ago. It figures that everything would start falling apart AFTER I lose my insurance. I couldn't afford COBRA coverage until the Federal government came in and helped pay two thirds of it, so I did have insurance for a little while in 2009. I wish I had went to a dentist instead of an endocrinologist during that time, when I thought for sure that I had Cushing's Syndrome when I really didn't. The hole is so big now that you can see tooth. Starting a couple of days ago, it's gotten to a point where I can't even chew with that side of my mouth anymore because it's too painful. I would've blogged about this last night, but I was in too much pain. I'm afraid I can't put off going to the dentist any longer.

I tried calling a free dental clinic, but they said they only take appointments on Mondays.

I tried calling the U of L School Of Dentistry, but they said they were filled up for tomorrow, and they would be closed for Spring Break next week. I believe she said that the next time I could schedule an appointment would be March 18th, but I wonder if she meant the 21st.

You know, while I was glad that we were able to pass some kind of health care reform, I'm not too happy that it didn't go as far as I would've liked. I would've liked to have seen Single Payer instituted, but then that probably would've put the insurance companies out of business, and we can't have that now can we, especially with so many Congressmen paid for by the insurance companies.

Had I lived in a country with a more socialized form of health care, I probably would've went to the dentist more often. I seriously have considered going to another country just to get my teeth taken care of. I guess I should look into getting a passport.


  1. I have awesome health insurance but zero dental coverage. Until last June, i hadn't been to a dentist in 10 years. It's expensive to go, but it's better than having a mouth full of hurting, rotting, stinking teeth. There's a 1-800-dentist thing you can find online that will set you up with a dentist who makes next-day appointments. Perhaps you could find one that would offer a sliding scale or payment plan?

  2. Thankfully, uninsured/self-pay is included in their search criteria. I'll probably call one of the dentists tomorrow.
