It seems that Louisville is tied for fifth place on the Worst Cities For Findng A Job In 2011 list.
I've not only went through all the money I accumulated back in December, I've also went through my entire Federal tax refund. I'm supposed to be getting a state refund, but the state seems to be holding it hostage, seeing as that as of a few weeks ago I still owed them some money from last year. Had I known sooner that they were holding my refund hostage, I wouldn't have sent them a check for the amount that I owed them, and I'd still have some of my Federal refund money. Technically, I still have money in the bank, but most of it will disappear when the $95 check to my psychiatrist clears. Today, I got an envelope from the Kentucky Department of Revenue with a Form 740-ES (estimated tax voucher), with no explanation as to why they sent it to me. WTF?
Back in 2006, my car was falling apart, and my sister suggested I trade it in for a new one. I was determined that my next car was going to be brand spanking new, and I got a 2007 Saturn Ion. Since I got laid off, I've been wishing that I had gotten an '04/'05 or even '06 model car, I probably would be just about finished with the payments right about now if I had. I still have a year left to go. It actually would have been a few months later had I not refinanced in March 2008. In 2009, I considered selling my car and buying something older, yet reliable. My parents decided that was a bad idea, and told me that they'd help with payments. My mom even said that that wasn't the time to be making major changes, which sounded pretty stupid to me seeing as that all kinds of people who were being downsized had to downsize their lives, I'm not sure why I should be an exception. I've been thinking lately that they should have just let me sell it. I was hoping to have a job by now so I could possibly make my car payment this month. I really, really dread asking my mom and dad for money. Hell, on Halloween 2009, I was dreading asking them for money so much that I considered downing an entire bottle of Lorazepam. Well, I wasn't just dreading asking them for money. One of the last days I worked at Main ex-Employer before I got laid off was Halloween 2008, and so I woke up on the morning of Halloween '09 thinking about how downhill my life had gone in the year since the previous Halloween. I don't think I got out of bed that day until about 4:00 in the afternoon, and I wouldn't have gotten out of bed had I not had to use the restroom. I also decided not to take an entire bottle of Lorazepam, just one pill if I took any at all.
You know, it really pisses me off to hear about all these bankers getting these huge bonuses. Bank robbing, or rather banker robbing, is sounding like a good profession at this point.
I'm glad you didn't take all the pills.