Saturday, May 14, 2011

Maybe I'm not so crazy after all?

There are a couple of higher-ups at work who absolutely drive me bonkers. I'm really glad that I don't have to work with them for an entire shift. Today wasn't a usual day at work. At one point, me and two other people asked our direct boss, who seems to be a decent enough guy, what we should do. He told us, and when we were on our way to do it, someone who is way higher up stopped us and asked us what we were doing, and when we told her, she was like, "No no no!", then told us there was something else that needed to be done, and to go get some scan guns and portable printers. So we go to the room where the scan guns and portable printers are, sign the stuff out, then she comes in and is like, "Forget it." Then she had us basically do what we would have been doing had she not stopped us, except she had the other person who drives me bonkers show us exactly how to do it. For some reason, Bonker #2 stopped during the middle of her explanation to tell us that we need to be more enthusiastic about something-or-other. It was really funny coming from this woman because she doesn't exactly ooze enthusiasm or perkiness. I couldn't help but think, "Where the hell did this come from?" We can only show so much enthusiasm when you have so many different people telling you to do so many different things.

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