Friday, June 22, 2012

The Tooth, conclusion (hopefully)

I started an entry three weeks ago about my trip to Indianapolis to see Danzig, and have yet to finish it. It was a way more massive undertaking than I expected, and in the end it probably won't be so massive. Last weekend, I started an entry about some of the big (and I mean BIG) goings on at work, and some other workplace-related gripes. I meant to finish it, but might end up posting it "as is". The one thing that those weekends had in common were that they were four-day weekends. Evidently, four days still isn't enough time for me to work on an entry longer than a short paragraph or two.

This past Thursday, I had a permanent crown put on The Tooth. Now that that debacle is over, my next health project will be getting new glasses. My current pair are six years old, have tape holding one side together, and the lenses have developed a rosy tint in the past year, probably having something to do with the fact that they are old Transitions lenses. You can see the rosiness in my current thumbnail pic (current as of June 2012, it might change in the future). It's important that I get this done in the next month or two before my warehouse is completely taken over by my employer's owner. You'll see more about that if I get around to posting my last attempted entry.

That's all  have for now.