Friday, January 25, 2013

Dad news and another shift change

My dad is doing much better since his leg was amputated. His kidneys seem to be functioning normally again. He'll be doing physical therapy pretty soon. I am kind of wondering if this will throw a wrench into my plans for moving out in the near future.

I got a shift transfer at work! It's not just a shift transfer, but I'll be going to a different department entirely. I'm not sure what I'll be doing. I know that one of the jobs that that section does is horrendously boring, but I might not even be doing that particular job. I'll be working Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 6:30am until 5:00pm. That was actually my #2 choice, my first choice was Mondays through Thursdays, 5:30pm to 4:00am, but I'm fairly happy with the shift I got since I won't have to work every Sunday, Saturday, or my least favorite night, Wednesday, and I won't have to work more than two nights in a normal week, maybe three if I have to work overtime.

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