Saturday, November 23, 2019

Peak 2019

In my previous entry, I was complaining about the late September/early October heat, and now it's fucking Winter. It even snowed on my birthday! At least the ground was too warm to stick to the roads, so roads were mainly just wet as I was driving home from the Slayer concert. Fatigue was a bigger issue driving home, which leads me to work.

Peak has been awful. Too much work, and not enough sleep to recover from it, which explains the fatigue. I took a week off after my birthday because I was so god damned tired, and didn't have time to do anything, including taking advantage of my new health insurance. I managed to get my dental and vision cards in October, but I don't think I got my medical card. If I did get it, then I couldn't find it, and there's always the possibility that it was accidentally thrown away. I finally found out my Member ID by the end of the week, and was able to print out a temporary card. I also ended up getting two(!) cards in the mail the following Monday, a result of having called them just the previous Friday. I had already had a labs followup appointment scheduled for the morning after my birthday, and decided to go see a psychiatrist after that appointment, and that's where I got my doctor's note to get me out of work. I also made a couple of trips to the dentist, and have gotten some much needed dental work, along with an antibiotic to deal with an abscessed gum.

Here's something that confuses the fuck out of me. I went to my local Walmart to get my prescriptions filled, and picked them up on Friday, after printing out my insurance card. I was able to get Januvia for $5.00-something. I looked up Express Scripts' estimation for getting Januvia at Walmart a couple of days later, and they said it would be $90-something. What gives? This shit is confusing, and is a good example of why the U.S. for-profit healthcare industry needs to be burned to the ground.

The major shopping holidays are just around the corner. I'm hoping things will be less painful after Cyber Monday.

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