Saturday, October 26, 2024

Another bump...

 Back in July, I moved my computer and desk to the living room in hopes that having it in the same room as the tv would motivate me to get on the computer more. It hasn't. I still have plenty of projects I want to do on a computer, as well as stuff to write about in this blog, I just have no desire to sit at my computer in the apartment, especially when I can just watch Youtube videos on my tv. I'd rather go out to a coffee shop and do computer stuff there, but I would need a new laptop, and that's not high on my priority list right now. Getting new tires for my car is my top priority for now, followed by getting a 4K blu-ray player.

Maybe connecting the computer to the tv would help? I doubt it, but it might be worth looking into.

One positive thing to come out of moving the computer to the living room is that a lot of junk that I had in the living room has moved to the storage room, so there's less of an eyesore in the living room. Now, if I could only organize the storage room.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


I have lots of stuff I want to write about, but despite having a working PC now, I've had no desire to sit in my Computer Room and do it. The next time I post is anyone's guess.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Computer update!

 I'm just stopping in to say that I have a working desktop PC again! I had my ex-brother-in-law look at the desktop PC I had been using since 2020, not just to fix it, but to upgrade it as well. He couldn't really do everything we both wanted with the chassis of the old computer, so he fixed up a computer that he had sitting around. I'm very happy with it, it's much faster, and no more freezing up after a couple of minutes of idling. Hopefully I'll get to do more blogging soon. I'd start up a whole new entry, but I had a busy morning, and just want to retreat to the sofa.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Last quarter, 2023

 I'm typing this from my ancient laptop at a coffee shop. I fucked up my desktop PC trying to fix it. Someone with a similar problem (freezing up after being idle for a few minutes) said that they fixed the problem just by taking the RAM stick out and blowing on it. I haven't opened up a computer since I left my job at a computer company in 2001, but I figured it was something I could probably do myself. I eventually got it back together. That fix didn't work. Then I noticed that the front of the chassis wasn't all the way on. I can't remember since I actually haven't looked at it since then, but I think I got it on, but then the computer wouldn't start. I might be able to fix it myself, but I haven't been in the mood to. I may just pay someone to look at it.

Others have said that the problem could be the CPU, some have fixed their computers by upgrading it. I figure mine could use an upgrade, along with doubling the RAM. I'm definitely going to have someone else do that for me, too.

I'm so glad the Peak season is over. It was rougher than last year, due to having two accounts to work for instead of just one, and not having a good bilingual helper this year. I had two Cuban women who barely speak or understand English, and I had another person who was actually trainable, but I was too busy to give her as much training as I would've liked. She was let go recently because she supposedly failed her background check. We had another girl for a couple of weeks who was a real piece of work. Security walked her out the very first day for being insubordinate, but she was brought back the next day. The woman complained about ev-er-y-thing, and loved talking more than listening, which I will not abide. If I had hiring/firing power, she would never have come back after that first day, or I would've fired her after just a couple of days. Oh, and my supervisor was moved to another building for November and December, he was not missed at all. He was back this past Tuesday, thankfully he didn't bother me too much. I was seriously thinking about gunning for his position, or just pestering the way-higher ups into making me a lead or something similar. While I'm good at the work, I'm terrible with people, and really have no desire to deal with staffing issues. I'm better at just finding shit that's wrong.

I may do more posts about movies and music soon, since I think a lot of my rants about them on Facebook are probably more suited to the blog. I thought about making a whole new blog just for that, because personal stuff has taken up so much of it in previous years, but I'm too lazy for that. One subject I want to do soon is my current take on the Loudness Wars. It hasn't been a pet hobby for me in a long time, but I do have some thoughts.